Litigation Search Australia

About VCAT

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) is a tribunal that hears and decides civil and administrative legal cases in the state of Victoria, Australia. Established in 1998, VCAT deals with a wide range of disputes including consumer issues, residential and retail tenancies, guardianship and administration, and planning and environment matters.

Searching VCAT Cases

VCAT provides public access to certain case information, subject to privacy and confidentiality restrictions.

Availability of Case Documents

While some VCAT decisions are publicly available, access to specific case documents may be limited. It’s advisable to check with VCAT regarding the availability of documents for particular cases.

Conducting Case Searches

To search for VCAT cases:

  1. Visit the VCAT website.
  2. Use the online VCAT Search portal.
  3. Enter the required search criteria (e.g., party name, case number).
  4. Review the search results provided.

Important Information

For further assistance or information about accessing VCAT case information, contact VCAT directly.